Ever wonder what our dinosaurs eat when their hungry? Well even though they like to watch their prehistoric figures, they like to indulge every once in a while and you’ll never guess what that indulgence is….POPCORN! That’s right, while there are many options, Popcorn is their absolute favorite.
Jurassic Extreme recently decided who better to experience feeding our walking dinosaurs than our kids, so we’ve added another memorable experience for all our birthday boys and girls. And to be perfectly honest, it’s the ONLY time we let Rocco, Riley, Ramsey, Reese, Rocket X and Remy go off their diets. We have to put our disclaimer out there because Rocco and Rocket X tend to devour their popcorn and sometimes leave little reminders that they were munching out. Ramsey on the other hand is a slow eater, so you have to be patient with him. Reese, she’s a very picky eater so if it’s not just right she’ll let you know. Remy inhales popcorn and it’s gone in the blink of an eye, whereas Riley is always getting the pieces stuck in her teeth so she has popcorn breath for the rest of the day.
The great things about all of their little tendencies is that it makes for a great show! In fact, we’ve had to remind the kids that the popcorn is special for the dinosaurs because they start eating it as well, so it’s safe to say – Everyone loves Popcorn and our new activity! Even our dinosaurs try to follow a healthy diet but have to cheat every now and then. So just when you thought you had seen it all, we have added ANOTHER great birthday activity to our list.
Jurassic Extreme wants to bring you the best experience possible and that’s what makes us unique. No matter the occasion or situation, we find ways to make it the best memorable moment it can be. So make sure your kids are ready to feed our dinosaurs at your next party, because they will be ready willing and hungry!
Are you hosting a kids birthday party in Houston? Book now before someone else.